Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hassle-Free Diabetic Dessert Recipes

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It all comes down to being a matter of habit - once you begin to anxiously scan every possible edible thing set before you for its possible effects on your diabetes, once great recipes no longer appear to be what they are (and instead take the form of multicolored 3-D graphs and charts that plot sugar, proteins, fats and carbohydrates) you know that great food is a thing of the past to you. This is what it means to live life as a Type I diabetic - always aware of how much insulin courses through your body. Most people wouldn't mind being diabetic if they didn't have to give up so much in their diet that they prized. Nothing can matter more to the health of a diabetic then, than inventive recipes that will take the sting out of the kind of sacrifices that are called for. When people are no longer called upon to sacrifice the taste in their food for their health, they will no longer take the risk of trying something tempting. Here are a couple of diabetic dessert recipes that should go a long way in making this possible.

Chocolate cake has to be the most difficult food give up for any diabetic. Let's get started with the first of our diabetic dessert recipes - a method for chocolate cake. To begin with, place three-quarters of a cup of Fudged Sweet Topping in warm water to help loosen it up. Beat two eggs until fluffy, and add in a cup of strawberry apple butter and a teaspoon of vanilla. Add in the fudge sweet topping, a quarter cup of milk, a quarter cup of Fruit Sweet, 2 cups of flour and mix thoroughly. Once done, all you need to do is to pour it into a greased cake tin, and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Next on our list of diabetic dessert recipes comes a delicious low-calorie cheesecake and that should really make up for all that you have had to give up for your condition. Get 12 ounces of ricotta cheese (low-fat), and mix it in with 4 egg yolks, three quarters of a cup of Fruit Sweet, and beat thoroughly. Add in two-thirds of the cup of milk powder, and beat in a blender until everything is properly mixed in. Throw in 2 teaspoons of vanilla, and squeeze in half a lemon (and throw in the rind as well). At this point, you can throw in the egg whites that you separated to begin with, and press the whipper button until everything's nice and frothy. Get a cake pan and butter it all up - the bottom and the sides too. Crush up some graham crackers and coat the bottom of the pan evenly through. Now, you can pour in the mixture you just made and bake it at 350 degrees for about three-quarters of an hour. To make sure that the cake doesn't dry out too much, leave a pan of water in the oven for moisture. You could make this with any kind of cheese of course. And it should transport you to a time when you never had to watch what you ate.